(2023-12-02) Crowley Trying Arroost

Shane Crowley (edibotopic): Trying Arroost. I've been playing around with an early version of Arroost, a node-based tool for live sampling.

Arroost was a new way of making music for me. It made the process more light and joyful than some of my recent painstaking DAW sessions.

Arroost consists of an infinite canvas on which nodes can be placed. When a newly placed node is clicked it starts to record. Make a sound then click the node again and the recording is complete. That node will now play the recording each time it is triggered.

The core of Arroost involves connecting nodes. This makes Arroost an easy and intuitive live-looper. By easy I mean relative to using a DAW like Reaper

There are vocals strewn across all of my albums but usually as minor details and often warped beyond recognition. Arroost encouraged me to use more vocals

Arroost is configured, however, to use your default mic for live sampling. The most immediate recording option is to just sing, hum, chant, clap and bang. (whistling)

I recorded about 60 minutes of music in three weeks. I stopped when Arroost simply became too addictive!

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