(2023-06-12) Matuschak Vision Pro

Andy Matuschak: Some quick notes following Apple’s 2023-06-05 Vision Pro announcement. I’m mainly interested in the user interface and the computing paradigm. What does Apple imagine we’ll be doing with these devices, and how will we do it?


the software paradigm is surprisingly conservative. visionOS is organized around “apps”, which are conceptually defined just like apps on iOS

no attempt is made to move towards finer-grained “activity-oriented computing”

app interfaces cannot meaningfully interact, with narrow carve-outs for channels like drag-and-drop

For me, the most interesting part of visionOS is the input part of the interaction model. The core operation is still pointing

Direct manipulation became much more direct, though less precise; and we lost “hover” interactions. On Vision Pro and its descendants, you point by looking, then “clicking” your bare fingers, held in your lap.

There are other VR/AR devices which feature eye tracking, but (AFAIK) all still ship handheld controllers or support gestural pointing. Apple’s all in on foveation as the core of their input paradigm, and it allows them to produce a controller-free default experience. It reminds me of Steve’s jab at styluses at the announcement of the iPhone.

My experiences with hand tracking-based VR interfaces have been uniformly unpleasant

The visionOS interaction model dramatically shifts the role of the hands. They’re for basically-discrete gestures now: actuate, flick. Hands no longer position the pointer; eyes do

But it does put an enormous amount of pressure on the eye tracking

how will fine control feel—sliders, scrubbers, cursor positioning? One answer is that such designs may rely on “direct touch”, akin to existing VR systems’ hand tracking interactions. Apple suggests that “up close inspection or object manipulation” should be done with this paradigm.

moving incrementally from here to a more ambitious “native 3D” interface paradigm seems like it would be quite difficult.

For text, Apple imagines that people will use speech for quick input and a Bluetooth keyboard for long input sessions


Note how different Apple’s strategy is from the vision in Meta’s and MagicLeap’s pitches. These companies point towards radically different visions of computing, in which interfaces are primarily three-dimensional and intrinsically spatial.

but of course it doesn’t exist, and a present-day Quest / HoloLens buyer can’t cash in that vision in any particularly meaningful way. Those buyers will mostly run single-app, “full-screen” experiences; mostly games.

What is spatial computing for? Apple’s answer, right now, seems to be that it’s primarily for giving you lots of space. This is a practical device you can use today to do all the things you already do on your iPad, but better

This is not a someday-maybe tech demo of a future paradigm; it’s (mostly) today’s paradigm, transliterated to new display and input technology

unlike Meta, they’ll build their device with ultra high-resolution displays and suffer the premium costs, so that you can do mundane-but-central tasks like reading your email and browsing the web comfortably.

On its surface, the iPhone didn’t have totally new killer apps when it launched. It had a mail client, a music player, a web browser, YouTube, etc.

Will its story be more like the iPhone, or more like the iPad and Watch?

It’s worth noting that this developer platform strategy is basically an elaboration of the Catalyst strategy they began a few years ago: develop one app; run it on iOS and macOS

The trouble here has been that Catalyst apps (and SwiftUI apps, though somewhat less so) are unpleasant to use on the Mac.

the result is usually an uncanny iOS app on a Mac display. Will visionOS have the same problem with this strategy?

If I find the Vision Pro’s launch software suite conceptually conservative, what might I like to see?

Huge, persistent infospaces

It’s a common trope among writers: both to “pickle” yourself in the base material and to spread printed manuscript drafts across every available surface

Ubiquitous computing, spatial computational objects

Shared spatial computing

A few elements of visionOS’s design really tickled me because they finally productized some visual interface ideas we tried in 2012 and 2013. It’s been long enough now that I feel comfortable sharing in broad strokes.

Jony Ive had taken over, and he wanted to decisively remake iOS’s interface

aggressively removing ornamentation

Without borders, drop shadows, and skeuomorphic textures, though, the interfaces loses cues which communicate depth, hierarchy, and interactivity. How should we make those things clear to users in our new minimal interfaces? With a few other Apple designers and engineers, I spent much of that year working on possible solutions that never shipped.

It was eventually deemed too much (“a bit… carnival, don't you think?”) and too battery-intensive. So it's charming to see this concept finally get shipped in visionOS

A second concept rested on the observation that the new interface might be very white, but there are lots of different kinds of white.

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