(2022-04-24) Rival Voices Tpot Is Littered With Postrats

Rival Voices Tweet: LessWrong is structurallly analytic, you see? It suffers from the same problems which is why it leads to meaninglessness. Now, TPOT is littered with post-rats, ex-rationalists from LessWrong, that reached stage 4.5

Impro was big back in LW, you see? But why are rational AGI focused people concerned with masks and trance? Now you see Homer saw possession as the seminal virtue. TPOT has discovered their version of ‘expanded awareness’ in Alexander Technique! It’s the same pattern repeating!

I mean, what kind of people find friends internet first and interest based first you see? TPOT is just LessWrong but 10 years later and self-aware of itself as a community. It doesn’t have AGI as a false conscience anymore, it’s fully at 4.5, they just wanna vIbE.

But why can’t they vibe in the first place? Friend, here we get back to the Death of God and enlightenment philosophy and world war 2

Now this guy, Rival right?

Anyways, he’s trying to move everyone to Portugal, to what ends its unclear”

But you gotta see that his buddy, Tyler, they used to work together and he’s also trying to start a village in Portugal. Very hippy right? Not only that but he got Elon Musk to speak at EA Global. Now, who’s acquiring Twitter? Exactly”

And I haven’t even started going down the EA rabbit hole: it all connects, EA spun off of LW and also was in Oxford. Now Dominic Cummings put up that ad for misfits right?

this is why Vibecamp 2.0 should be as big as possible: lore maximization

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