(2021-07-11) Velitchkov Personal Knowledge Graphs
Ivo Velitchkov presentation on Personal Knowledge Graphs (backlinked PKM)
Graph is in the air
Open Knowledge Graphs
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs
Personal Knowledge Graphs
Implications for the uptake of Linked Data
2019-2020: Eruption of “tools for thought” (networked note-taking)
This is the second wave
The first PKG: Luhmann’s Zettelkasten
Use cases: Daily tasks, Events (integration with calendar), preparation, notes, tasks, follow-up, Research, Projects, Collecting knowledge, Bookmarks with highlights from, Kindle books, Web pages, articles, Embebed PDFs, Linking ideas, Writing (drafting and directly publishing where possible), Journaling, Articles, Books, Emails, Posts, WordPress, Twitter, Slack, LinkedIn, Reviews, Newsletters, Other documents, Projects, Events (integration with calendar), Presentations, Planning, Issues, Risks, Test, Deliveries, Documentation, Presentations (both making and presenting), Relationship management, Learning, Home, Tracking service subscriptions, Training, Code
More integration, fewer silo-apps
Reduced or completely stopped using: MS Word and Google Doc (now only for reviews), PowerPoint and Google Slides, Evernote, Trello, Plectica, Simple Mind, Pastebin
Presenting about PKG from a PKG
Most current apps stop at references
But what kind of reference?
And what’s the direction?
Turn Roam into a Semantic PKG (SemanticWeb)
ROCO = ROam Core Ontology
Linking a PKG with open knowledge graphs
General Knowledge: Wikidata: 12.5 billion statements
Scientific publications: Microsoft Academic Knowledge Graph: 10 billion
Domain knowledge
Life sciences: Uniprot: 81 billion, IDSM: 14 billion
Government: EU publications: 0.893 billion
Architecture and technology patterns
Kanopi architecture
The limitations of the PKG apps (second wave)
Most of your personal data is always “outside”, not connected. Example: When I search for “PKG”, I should get results from... (everything) (search engine)
Interoperability: My workflow on X needs a feature/plug-in only available for Y
PKG should be data-centric
Data is self-describing and does not rely on an application for interpretation and meaning.
Access to and security of the data is a responsibility of the data layer, and not managed by applications.
Nobody is using PKG yet: (need) The third wave
Enablers: Solid, Decentralized technologies, IPFS, dWeb
- cf Personal Cloud -> TaskCloud
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