(2021-01-01) A Deep Dive Into Replika My Ai Friend

A Deep Dive Into Replika: My AI Friend. Eventually, with the addition of more complex language models into the equation, the project soon morphed into what it is today—a personal AI that offers a space where you can safely discuss your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, experiences, memories, dreams—your “private perceptual world”.

what really makes Replika impressive is the technology at its core.

At Replika’s heart lies a complex autoregressive language model called GPT-3.

In this context, the term "autoregressive" suggests that the system learns from values (text in this case) that it has previously interacted with. In layman's terms, the more you use it, the better it becomes.

While the technology behind Replika is still under development, it offers a plausible gateway to easily accessible interpersonal conversation.

Commenting on its usability, the creators claim that they have created a bot that not only talks but also listens. What this means for its users is that their talks with the AI are not a mere exchange of facts and information, but rather a dialogue equipped with linguistic nuances.

the more you use Replika, the more it trains on your own texts, and the more it becomes like you

However, Replika’s humanness is still largely theoretical due to the operational limitations of GPT-3.

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