(2020-05-28) Implementing WebMention
Time for Implementing WebMention
Decide to use webmention.io.
Log in, get their snippets.
Decide to add back my Twitter link in my page, even though not part of IndieAuth anymore, just in case that helps pick up some WebMentions.
Template update launched. Now what? Since I'm not displaying them, nobody would know to send any to me.
I sent 1-2 to some other folks using some 3rd party service.
- I don't think it was Telegraph - maybe I'll use that next time.
- Jun03 sending couple more, via Telegraph
- from 2020-05-19-CunninghamWebmentionsAndCampfires to https://www.kevincunningham.co.uk/posts/webmentions-and-campfires/
- Jul'2021 checked his page, don't see any webmentions at all, did he rip them out?
- from 2019-02-18-CritchlowBuildingADigitalGarden to https://tomcritchlow.com/2019/02/17/building-digital-garden/
- from 2020-05-19-CunninghamWebmentionsAndCampfires to https://www.kevincunningham.co.uk/posts/webmentions-and-campfires/
Maybe I should (also) use Bridgy? https://brid.gy/twitter/BillSeitz
- yes, all tweet likes and responses (TweetBack) to me show up there, including those not tied to any page
- and now things are appearing at webmentio.io - but only if like/response is on tweet that includes link - commenting on another tweet in the same thread doesn't get caught....
Edited: | Tweet this! | Search Twitter for discussion
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