(2020-05-21) Yegge Saying Goodbye To The Best Gig I Ever Had

Steve Yegge: Saying Goodbye to the Best Gig I Ever Had. Friday was my last day at Grab.com

I have an unfortunate number of risk factors for Covid-10, and I’ve decided I’m going to just stay locked in my home for the foreseeable future. In my pajamas. Which meant Grab was going to be an increasingly difficult proposition for me, as things start to reopen.

My wife and I thought it over, and we want to give entrepreneurship a shot. Now seems like the best time for it, because gaming is way up. And we happen to have a computer game! I’ve been working on a game called Wyvern for, well, since late 1995. (indie)

Wyvern has a special focus on user-generated content, and 99% of the content in the game — quests, dungeons, monsters, events, etc. — was contributed by volunteers with way too much free time on their hands. The game has a “builder mode” that lets you build your own maps in your personal home, and people have gone really crazy with it, despite the primitive UI. I want to take it more in the direction of Minecraft, with private servers, but first I need to add a Steam client to the existing Android and iOS clients. That will be my primary focus in 2020.

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