(2018-01-25) Cowen My Personal Moonshot

Tyler Cowen: My Personal Moonshot I have tried to take with my own career. My goal is to be the economist who has most successfully used the internet as a platform to foment broad enlightenment.

As I see it, the internet is changing everything, and most intellectuals (and also businesspeople) still are underestimating the import of this reality

My method has been to invest in as wide an economics and intellectual product line as is possible. (Invest time.)

relatively few people can construct and manage such a broad portfolio, and so this gives me some kind of competitive advantage or "personal moat" in the world of ideas.

For the most part, this effort is not directed toward persuading people of any specific conclusion. Rather, I wish to give them a window into how I think (and collaborate), mostly because I find this communication enjoyable.

Overall, I would say I believe in the value of individual liberty more than do most of my intellectual peers, the importance of economic growth, and I focus on status relations.

It's really about "the internet way of writing and communicating" vs. non-internet methods. (cf (2018-11-15) Books Vs Tweets)

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