(2014-07-06) Ai Assisted Coaching
I have a fuzzy feeling that AI techniques will become useful for Coaching us in Self Improvement (SimplestThing framing?).
- Guide To Greatness, Grumby, Young Lady's Illustrated Primer, Manfred Macx, MindMirror
- ELIZA, ChatBot, Natural Language Processing, Intelligent Software Assistant, Intervention Roulette, Rubber Ducking
- Computer Game Simulation, RPG?
- 2008-04-30-MemoryAlgorithm
- 2014-05-31-SocialTwitterbotsGainFollowers
- 2014-06-07-AutomatedInterventionsToImproveGraduationRates
- 2014-06-28-FacebookFeedEmotionalManipulation
I'm going to start playing with some ChatBot code DavidRoss wrote combining ELIZA and Markov Chain ideas.
- hrm, he built on Twisted Matrix which I don't really feel like getting into
- so I'm starting to play with the "Willie" IrcBot library...
I'm using "CoachBot" as handle for this.
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