(2013-12-23) 3 New Organization Models
Daniel Tenner summarizes Aaron Dignan's description of 3 new Organization Models.
- Holacracy: Medium, Zappos
- Agile Squads: Spotify. The main unit of organization in this model is called a “Squad,” or what Jeff Bezos might call a two pizza team. This small group (usually 7-10 people) is self-sufficient, multi-disciplinary, autonomous, and focused on a particular product, problem, or module (often with a core KPI or OKR). Think of it as a mini startup. Groups of Squads that are related through product or strategy are called “Tribes.” Groups of people who practice the same discipline (design, UX, development) organize and collaborate as “Chapters,” and communities of interest that aren’t specific to a Chapter (like QA or Agile) are called “Guilds.” The squad model’s strength is that it allows one person to be a member of several different groups with completely different functions, while not losing sight of the most important thing (the user/product).
- Self Organizing: Valve Software, GitHub - see 2012-12-08-BowkettManagementGamificationGithubValveSkyrim
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