(2013-10-18) Chicago Ideas Week Tech Summit

I went to Chicago Ideas Week's Tech Summit Live Event (CIW).


Speakers (with some brief/random notes)

Beth Comstock, Senior Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer, GE

Tom Kelley, Partner, IDEO

Chris Vanderhook and Tim Vanderhook, bought MySpace (with Justin Timberlake)

  • had to throw out entire code-base (Microsoft) and start over
  • had to adapt to Mobile trend while in the middle of that rebuild
  • brands want to use Music to connect to people
  • artists want direct fan data (cf Author Platform)

Ben Kaufman, Founder & CEO, Quirky; Chad Dickerson, CEO, Etsy

Max Levchin, Founder, HVF; Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer, PayPal; Chairman, Yelp

  • when family moved to Chicago, they had no money, but managed to pull together pieces to make a (crummy) PC because this was Max's passion.
  • new thing - Affirm credit network - use Social Media data as more info than FICA score?

Alexandra Chong, Founder & CEO, Lulu

Vineet Singal, Co-founder & CEO, Anjna; BHSI Fellow http://anjna.org/

  • diabetes/hypertension - behavior-change compliance - esp big problem with Low Income patients
  • but these people do have Cell Phone, and use SMS

Reshma Saujani, Founder, Girls Who Code

  • she doesn't code (grrr), she's a lawyer; was asst Public Advocate in NYC
  • 20 girls in summer-2012, 152 in summer-2013
  • goal: GirlScouts of the 21st Century; reach 1M girls by 2020
  • importance of "cool" validation - girls want to be doctors/CSI because of TV shows (hmm, what % of such people will actually become doctors?)

Jason Harinstein, Senior Vice President of Corporate Development, GroupOn; Eric Lefkofsky, CEO, GroupOn; Co-Chairman, CIW

Harry Weller, General Partner, NEA

Sallie Krawcheck, Business Leader, 85 Broads

Bing Gordon, General Partner, KPCB

Mark Wilson, Senior Writer, Fast Company; Host, Tech Summit

George Slessman, CEO & Product Architect, IO

Edited:    |       |    Search Twitter for discussion

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