(2011-08-12) Tagged Bookmarking And Linkblogging Google Reader
I do most of my online reading-discovery through RSS. Currently through Google Reader. With lots being read on my Archos70 Tablet, with GReader synching to Google Reader.
I'm finding I don't like to add to my WikiLog on the tablet, between the typing experience, copy/paste across 2 full-screen windows, etc. So I tend to just hit the Share button in Google Reader/GReader. Sometimes when back at my Lap Top I go back through my Shared items and turn some into WikiLog content.
I'm tempted to try and just embrace Google Reader more as a Social Bookmarking/LinkBlog replacement. What would it take to make me more comfortable with this?
- assign tags for WikiWord As Tag
- yes, can assign tags
- have RSS feed and web-view of my overall Shared items
- have RSS feed (and web view) of my Shared items for a single Tag
- a web view - argh other users can't seem to view this!
- don't see a feed
- ability to search my Shared archives within a Tag
- yes!
- ability to export Shared items (don't even want body of each item, if I can have Meta Data including date-shared and tags).
Sept16: considering If This Then That (IfTTT) as way to publish from Google Reader to Del.icio.us.
- hmm, doesn not seem to recognize Google Reader Tags.
- on the other hand, might be ok to let it go into Del.icio.us without tag, then add tags within Del.icio.us.
- semi-related, a recipe to turn Favorited-Twitter items into InstaPaper items. Hmm, sounds like there are variety of unofficial InstaPaper clients for Android - might try one out for my Archos70...
Dec20'2012: changed that Google Reader-starred recipe to instead post to Twitter, consistent with my thinking around Integrating Linkblogging Bookmarking Microblogging Into Wikilog (since I haven't been ever adding tags to my DeliciOus entries made this way).
Edited: | Tweet this! | Search Twitter for discussion
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No Space passed/matched! - http://www.wikiflux.net/wiki/2018-12-21-ModTheFutureBookIsHereButItsNotWhatWeExpected