(2011-05-28) New Laptop Time

My MacBook is 3.5yrs old. It serves me pretty well, except (a) Web Browser crashes or slowdowns probably associated with having too many windows/tabs open for my 4GB of RAM; (b) the 120GB Hard Drive is almost full, largely due to MP3 files. Plus The Boys often both need computers for homework, and they end up fighting over The Wife's IMac because both my 6yo IBook Lap Top and the little EeePc NetBook are too creaky to happily work with 50pg papers or GoogleDocs.

If I want to go above 4GB of RAM I have to get a MacBookPro.

And even with a MacBookPro, to go above 4GB of RAM I have to order online, I can't get something through the Apple Store (I wouldn't expect to have them mod while I wait, I'd be happy to place an order and pick it up tomorrow.) There's something satisfying, when buying certain goods, of carrying it home instead of having the shipping dude drop if off.

Wondering if I should go for the 15". Adds $300 and a whole pound! But, given that I'm burb-bound, I won't be doing a lot of carrying the thing in a backpack for 30min at a time. So probably worth it for my Middle Age Man eyes. Yep, done.

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