(2010-11-10) Ebook Layers And Decentralization
Inspired by a couple Book Glutton posts
- There are many layers that will live on top of Social Book-s, including the metadata layer, hyperlinked layer, and, you guessed it, the social layer.
- A myriad number of screen sizes and devices mean the “presentation layer” should be designed to change, particularly when you use web technology. Moreover, partnerships will impact your design... Over the years we’ve had a number of conversations about offering our “BookClub in a Can,” the ability to export the social experience to other sites, so they can curate their own book clubs.
So what are my thoughts/desires relating to layers and centralization/decentralization?
- I think there should be a definitive URL for every book (EBook), to help it be a coherent Social Object. (And that Book Server should be Paragraph Addressable.)
- I'd like to discuss a book with some subset of my [Social Network].
- (Though, esp for niche-books, I'd appreciate some sort of new-person discovery process.)
- Can you have a coherent discussion with an Asymmetric Follow model?
- I don't think everyone in the discussion should have to join the same Book Reviews And Groups site (like Good Reads or FaceBook).
- Can this process be much-more-decentralized, like a Blog Thread model?
- Or does it make sense for the Book Server to host a Discussion Forum that's designed more like an EcoSystem of groups?
Sorry, nothing coherent coming from this yet...
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