(2010-09-02) Samsung Galaxy Tab Launch
The Sam Sung Galaxy Tab 7" Android Tablet has launched, well not really. The tablet will be out in Europe first, possibly with Italy as the first to nab it (in September), and the US will come later down the line.
Good broad preview writeup.
Price unknown. There are rumors of it costing more than the IPad, but that would be crazy.
It's actually a phone, and will be sold by TelCo-s. Will there be a WiFi-only version? This is too big to replace your phone, and who wants 2 TelCo contracts?
- If we had an OpenNet, you wouldn't have to worry about this, and it would make sense to think of juggling multiple devices...
Tim Bray has the Android perspective. I Commented asking about non-TelCo option. Also: A Tablet is, crucially, a more shareable computer. A Lap Top, with its fragile hinge-ware and space-gobbling keyboard, is just not comfy to share. A tablet is easier to bring to the café, easier to hand across the table or along the sofa, easier to seize in the heat of the moment, easier to hold up in triumph, easier to set aside when you need to meet someone’s eyes. How big a market is that? Anyone who says they know is lying.
- Sept10 update: more feedback now that he has his own.
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