(2009-11-03) Num2 Nanowrimo

Number Two Son is doing NaNoWriMo for school (TAG). Being in 4th grade, his target is only 20k words.

He's using the EeePc NetBook to write on. (It comes with OpenOffice installed.)

  • It's not a good idea for him to take the NetBook to school, so he carries his work on a Flash Drive.

    • Nov7: Of course, he's lost one already.

Nov10: he's been writing before-school and after-homework every school-day, and spending hours on the weekend. But still only averaging ~400 words/day, well short of his target of 700/day. He really wants the T-Shirt. Uh-oh, Extrinsic reward...

Nov18: "what's the point?" Now trudging.

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