Software Bootstrap As DAO
Sept'2021: pondering how to sketch out a small software bootstrap, what a DAO model would add to a BetterMeans + GruntFund framework. (ToWrite)
(lots of copying/forking below from TaskCloud)
- You and a couple other folks have an idea for a software product/SasS, and you'd all like (eventually) to quit your DayJobs and focus on it.
Meta/related: what about non-task items? A team wiki?
- Different people have different amounts of time to offer.
- A given person's time investment will change over time.
- Different people have different kinds of skills to offer (dev, strategy, design, marketing/marcom, community growing).
- Even if participating for intrinsic reasons, having the possibility of a financial compensation can increase motivation (note counter-arguments where motivation is reduced by rewards).
- People will participate in multiple groups. Some are even offline!
- People don't want their out-of-group tasks visible to the group/public.
- Running software (in the cloud) costs money.
- Some tasks/deliverables are more urgent/important at a given point in time to deliver value.
- If one person is 20% done with a task and gets busy with other things, it might make sense for someone else to take it over.
- If one person is 80% done with a task and gets busy with other things, it might not make sense for someone else to take it over.
- Within a group
- ??
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