Key mechanism behind the BlogWeb.
Single-user aggregators (aka Rss Reader)
SlashDot lets the user define slashboxes, which use RSS. (This was the original style of usage, at
Abbe Normal:Rss Readers; also blogspace has a shorter list
Open Source Python-based?
Fever: PHP/MySQL, but for single user.
there are some scalability issues associated with the growing use of personal aggregators - see Publish And Subscribe.
Web-based aggregators
Niche-feed-set Portal aggregator - RSS Republisher
RSS update-trackers - tell you which feeds have been refreshed, so you can go scrape them
WeblogsCom: doesn't really handle RSS, just "pings" from blogs - it keeps track of when blogs have been updated.
- BloGs provides a personalized listing service based on the data from WeblogsCom.
Meme Tracker-s (in some sense these don't belong here, but they seem potentially competitive, so worth keeping together)
An interesting "question" is whether one "should" read someone's blog just in the reader's RssAggregator, or whether he should see items that interest him and jump to the source blog to read there?
Victor Lombardi whines effectively about why going-to-the-source is better.
Conversely, "should" bloggers include entire entries in their RSS, or just enough to let the aggregator-reader decide whether he wants to click through?
even if you as a writer want people to come to your blog to read, maybe you should send the entire contents so that their increasingly-intelligent Universal Inbox could apply some filtering rules based on the content.
- I seem to recall somebody (Jon Udell?) noting an idea where an RSS channel would include attributes defining whether an aggregator should display certain fields - so you might send the full feed but a well-behaved aggregator would only use the data as you requests. What do you do about poorly-behaved aggregators? Block them with robots.txt? What if they are too poorly-behaved to follow that? (See Mark Pilgrim's experience with Newsmonster.)
I also seem to recall Jon Udell talking about publishing multiple RSS feeds, some with full contents and others without.
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