
distributed memory caching system (Caching Proxy Server?) to improve Scalability, esp for Data Base-backed systems

  • if you're running just 1-2 servers, you might just want to have a local cache on each

Distributed Hashtable

Can store Data Store data

  • typically individual records, still have to query Data Store to get a result-set

    • except maybe for reference tables that rarely change

    • also, if you have relatively rare writes, I could see a process of "publishing" to MemCached, including a variety of query-result-sets

  • have to make sure all your CRUD Data Store-interface functions are consistent in managing the cache

    • hmm, does any ORM have MemCached support built in? Is this even realistic? (Maybe just have a flag to turn it on for some simple tables?)

    • Bea Ker is a Python/WSGI session/cache library which can support MemCached as a back end. But it looks like you have to manage that cache by hand...

Can store other things as well, such as whole pages (or chunks of HTML): save the whole HTML-render-cycle.

Each client-library has it's own cache (because they all implement lots of details differently), so if you use multiple languages on your site this is going to be a problem.

HttpCaching? No. But if you have a very CRUD/ReST model, the 2 have a lot of similarities....

Pg Mem Cache is an interface to MemCached for PostgreSQL

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