Crowd Sourcing
OutSourcing tasks to a cloud of people?
- aka LazyWeb
- semi-Amateurs?
- single person, small team, or dispersed hive?
- Wisdom Of Crowds effect, or really just a Market?
Network Economy model?
Do Meme Tracker-s count? Citizen Journalism?
- will this kind of thing keep getting done for "free" (Gift Economy)? Or will we need reverse-MicroPayments to Generation Cash?
- some R And D examples: Open Innovation
- Richard Mac Manus on the Holo Tof Advertising non-agency
- Ross Dawson connects this to the NetFlix competition
Beware sabotage. By Nicolas Stefanovitch’s reckoning, just two individuals had accounted for almost all the destruction, eviscerating the completed puzzle in about one percent of the moves and two percent of the time it had taken a crowd of thousands to assemble it... “The expected outcome is for everyone to attack, regardless of how difficult an attack is,” says Manuel Cebrian. “It is actually rational for the crowd to be malicious, especially in a competition (Zero-Sum Game) environment. And I can’t think of any engineering or game theoretic or economic incentive to stop it.”
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